Wedding Commissioner in Fort McMurray, Alberta
Marriage Ceremony Requirements
Before the Ceremony
Marriage Licence
- An Alberta marriage licence must be obtained before a marriage can be performed in Alberta. Alberta Marriage Licences are available from a registry agent office.
A marriage licence shows the marriage officiant that a couple meets the laws to get married in Alberta.
The registry agent issues a two part document. The top part is a Registration of Marriage and the bottom part is the Marriage Licence.
The full document (Registration of Marriage and Marriage Licence) must be given to the marriage officiant that will be performing the marriage.
A marriage licence is valid for three months from the date the marriage licence is issued.
The document must be kept in good condition and not folded because once the marriage is performed, the Registration of Marriage portion becomes the legal marriage record and is permanently archived.
The Ceremony
Civil Ceremony
- Civil ceremonies are performed by marriage commissioners authorized by Ministerial appointment.
A civil ceremony requires each person getting married to declare in front of the intended spouse, both witnesses and the Marriage Commissioner the following two statements.
I do solemnly declare that I do not know of any lawful impediment why I, (name) may not be joined in matrimony to (name).
I call upon those persons present to witness that I, (name), do take you, (name) to be my lawful wedded (wife/husband/spouse).
Ceremony Requirements
- The marriage licence must be valid on the date of marriage.
The Registration of Marriage/Marriage Licence document must be given to the marriage officiant prior to the ceremony.
The ceremony must take place in Alberta.
The marriage officiant must be authorized/registered with the Alberta Government to perform marriages in Alberta.
The couple and two adult witnesses must be physically in the presence of the marriage officiant.
Marriage by proxy is not permitted.
After the Ceremony
The marriage officiant keeps the marriage licence portion of the form and submits the Registration of Marriage portion for registration within two days of the ceremony.
The Registration of Marriage document is permanently archived with Alberta Vital Statistics.
The information on the Registration of Marriage is used to create government issued marriage documents.
When there are errors on a government issued marriage document, an amendment is needed.
In Alberta it is traditionally acceptable for a married person to keep his/her own last name or assume a married last name.
Marriage Certificate
The Alberta Government keeps a record of all registered marriages that take place in Alberta and can only issue documents for these marriages. Documents you can order from the Government of Alberta. Click here for more information.